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A mostrar mensagens de setembro, 2014

Skins & Make Up + Genetic Baby Hair, Default Eyes & Skins!

I'm back simmers with another update! Finaly you must say, pffff, it's just so hard for me to find "voglia" to just write something.... I know I know, I'm such a lazy person! Well I'll start by telling I did like THREE full days downloading stuff only for my game (Crazy, I know!). Not really objects (I did but medical related ones, because I plan to create a story, hopefully!), but more like make up and skins! So I ended up not playing much anyway :@ I also finished (another "FINALLY" here! I just had my recordings floating on my desktop for ages!) my video about how to install genetic baby hair! Here it is: Basically they work just like any other .package file download: you download the genetic baby hair of your choice and place only one file (may come with two, one with a little bow for girls and the other without) into the downloads folder, start your game and when you have a baby it will come out with hair matching his/her eyebrowns!!! ...