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My Sims 2 NEW Families (UC) + The Baby Dangle Master and The Bouncinator 3000! (AL NEEDED)

Hi simmers!
I'm sorry for taking so long to update, but I had a lot of stuff that holded me back a lot!

First of all I must say that I'm super duper utterly excited with THE SIMS 2 ULTIMATE EDITION that EA released some time ago to everyone for free (you only had to install Origin), unfortunently the time to aquire it finished last thursday :( I also found out you shouldn't install lots of sims with the UC as it makes your game crazy and the only solution is unistall and install again, but I don't know if it's true as it is something I read on a Sims 2 group on fb. Boh.

I've been playing a bit, to be honest I just feel too much overwelmed, everyday I find something new (like penguins of seasons :) I'm sorry I just love this guys on real life and having them on my game is magnificent!), so I often find myself searching on internet if I have some doubt. For example the "study parenting" subject you get from seasons I think, I didn't know it allows parents to click on their baby and figure out what they need! This is a very interesting feature in my opinion. Well, I also found out about Witches, freezing on winter and the fact you can drink hot chocolate to warm you up, that it is now allowed to plea to the social worker but I didn't try it out yet, etc. I didn't play much still, due to some personal issues and because I have to work on my social skills still :\ I'm kind of a strange person unfortunently.

The Penguin :3

Penguin chatting with a snowman o.o

As you can figure out all my families are reseted now (Goth, Pleasant, Broke, etc) so I won't be able to keep up with the journals I had done, since on Sims there is always some improbability going on. I was actually thinking of working on a story with some of the new neighbours, but I don't know.

Spicking of which, I'm reading and following this great story on MTS, it's called The Pleasantview Diaries (find it here (you may have to register on MTS but it's totally free): http://modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=499440&c=1&ht=&page=1&pp=25#startcomments) and it's about all the premade characters around Pleasantview, the author's goal is to "join all of the family trees of every Maxis made household in the game, while making an interesting story out of it."! And you did a great work in there, got me hooked on it until I finished reading all that was updated! I totally advise it! Check it out!

Well I've played mostly with the Auspin family from Desiderata Valley I think, which is composed by Victor Auspin, his ancient father Luis, his wife Elizabeth and their daughter Pauline (my game is Italian so the names may be different of the ones in English). I've used Luis' magic lamp and asked the three wishes, first was to revive his wife Noriko (that I regret a bit), second to be a little bit younger (like 5 days only -.-), and third to get rich (which he got only 10.000$ meh).

 Luis' revived wife, Noriko, and her grandaughter Pauline.

So after this I've made Elizabeth pregnant, and for her and Victor to persue their dream careers which was secrect services instead of the medice field or business one they were on at the time (I'm so excited about all the new careers by the way like architecture and law, and dance!). After 3 long days Pauline grew to a child and Elizabeth gave birth to a baby boy, just like his father in skin color, brown eyes and black hair, which I named Dean.

Pauline's birthday :)
Pauline and her mother, Elizabeth (pregnant of her little brother Dean)

 Elizabeth in labour o.o

Dean and his dad Victor (They are so alike, it's so cute T.T)

Life went on, Noriko found a part time job on the militar career to fill her time and help out since she doesn't have pension (she reached the top as an elder receiving 100$, but then she just got fired after Dean had become a child :\). Dean grew to a toddler and since Victor had again the wish for a baby I've made Elizabeth pregnant again.

Dean's first birthday.

Pauline and Dean playing together on their activity table.

Elizabeth suspecting she is pregnant.

Victor and his son Dean.

One day while she was burning the leaves of the trees on the first days of winter, she gets caught on fire and dies on her first trimester of pregnancy despite the help of her husband on trying to extinguish the fire and pleading to the grim reaper for her life which he failed. He also had a breakdown after that and was visited by the shrink :\

Pregnant Elizabeth caught on fire, while her husband Victor tries to help her out.
Victor pleading to the Grim Reaper for his wife and child's life.

Victor has a breakdown T.T

Victor crying for the loss of his wife, Elizabeth.

After that Winter arrived and with it so much happened, first I made Pauline do a snowman, and an angel, she snow fighted with her grandma Noriko as well and I even received a warning of a social worker because Pauline was freezing :\ In the meantime a penguin visited the lot <3

Noriko excited with the first snow.

 Noriko caressing the famous Penguin.

Pauline building a snowman with the gardener.

Pauline's snow angel.

Noriko and Pauline snow fighting.

Blue Pauline freezing (That's her mother's grave on the background by the way)

So now Victor is a widowed dad living with his two reunited parents, which to be honest I regretted in making Noriko come to life, I should have waited and used that wish for Elizabeth but well, life is not always roses right? Anyway, after that Dean grew to a child and the family adopted a female kitty which was named Eli in Elizabeth's memory.

Dean's birthday.

Pauline and Eli.

Pauline excited about bringing home Eli.

I've aplyed both the kids for private school too with the help of Luis and Noriko (which got fired by this time :\ as I mentioned before). I had some problems as my president got stuck and I couldn't make him interactful anymore, so I reseted him and he came on the next day home again.

Noriko greeting the president of the private school.

So I had maximized Luis' cooking skill and hobby and made him train days before to not burn the food and cook perfectly but the thing is when the next president came he burned the food and by mistake the president took it so I just stood there waiting for his reaction but it seems the food wasn't that bad and we got 124/90 of score, and I just found it unbelievable. SO now the kids are at private school and Pauline also grew to a teen (I forgot to take pics, dumb me pff), with the knowlege aspiration, so I don't know what the future holds out to this family.

Still on Desiderata Valley I've played with the Jocque (Joque for me :)) family, but I've only made Shopia pregnant of Marcel and exited the lot :\ so I still didn't developed much their story.

I also played with the Patel family on Belladonna Cove, as you may know you start out with Ramir and Ana who is pregnant on her third trimester: for me it turned out to be a baby girl which I named Iara (I actually wanted a boy, because it would be the perfect heir for a poletician like Ramir, but there is still time!).

Ramir caressing Ana's pregnant bump.

Ramir talking to his newborn daughter, Iara.

Still on Belladonna Cove I've played with the Chow and Riley families, I've made Timothy and Vivian get engagged marry, go on honeymoon, move into a house and also made Vivian get pregnant. Etsu (Vivian's daughter) grew to a child, and her and Sally (Timothy's daughter) got a little sister (Vivian and Timothy's first child) which I named Emma, she is still a baby at this time.
Timothy and Vivian's wedding.

Vivian feeling (baby) sick.

Timothy talking to Vivian's pregnant belly.

Vivian in labour :\

Riley family excited about the new addiction: little Emma.

Vivian holding her daughter Emma, fruit of her love for Timothy.

Then I played with the Cordial family, and made Samantha (Azzura for me) a good witch and Kimberly (Morgana for me) a evil one. Also Samantha had romantic feelings for Gabriel Green (they auto flirted with each other when I was making the Riley and Chow family move in together into a house and they came to came to welcome them) so I (also) made her pregnant of Gabriel and I'm planning on making Samantha move in with him on his house, maybe even turn him into a sorcerer, and make them marry each other, but I'm not sure yet.

On Riverblossom Hills I've played with the Greenman family only: I've made the little Daisy (Margherita for me) turn into an adult and have a plant baby boy which I named Girassole, and I've also made Rose (Rosaspina for me) pregnant of Jason. :3

Margherita's (Daisy's) birthday.

So as you can see I like to make babies a lot! Like most families I play with end up with a new member by the end of the day (I also feel so excited about their genetic hair and default clothes! Pity they age in a second!) :) And speacking of babies, now that I own apartment life I remembered some objects for babies I had seen when searching the trailers of the expansion packs when I was planning to pick some to buy, back on Christmas 2013: it was the  

The Baby Dangle Master and The Bouncinator 3000!  

From what I've read it was supost to be part of Apartment Life Expansion Pack (I actually thought it was part of it, so I searched around my game for it but couldn't find so I went on searching why) but for some reason they removed it and putted to be sold on the EA store.

And since the EA store is now gone for good, I downloaded this two awesome baby maxis objects with just some editing (less bladder tantrum to be more precise) for free that you can find here: http://www.leefish.nl/mybb/showthread.php?tid=4463 so a BIG THANK YOU to that without her uploading them I would have never find the maxis baby objects and modded in such a great way, so your baby doesn't cry for hours for a diaper change that it's not possible! (They cry like 5 seconds before you need to change their diaper! So it's super acurrate!) They come in maxis colours (well dah, they are maxis' they just modded greatly!) blue, pink, yellow and green to match maxis other baby objects (cribs, highchairs, changing tables, etc).

's Baby Dangler Master and Bouncinator 3000 view on my game.
Sim baby: Emma Patel
Sim Adult: Ana Patel

 I've also downloaded this awesome great set from MTS: Nursery Add-Ons: Spruce up your BG and FT nurseries found here: http://modthesims.info/d/457510 (You have to register to download but it's totally free :D). The first changing table and crib require only base game, while the second changing table require seasons (if you want it to display the outwear option for your toddlers), the activity table requires free time while the baby dangle master and bouncy chair needs apartment life.

View from the set in my game (the horse (for toddlers), and the rocking chair are not included but if you read in the info there is the links of where you can get them :) and there is also links of recolors of this set, check it out!). Here there is missing the activity table because I forgot at the time to place it, but you get the idea :)

If you have AL and Seasons you can download all in a file but if you don't have the Oh Baby set (the maxis Baby Dangle Master and the maxis Bouncinator 3000) you may need to also download the animations fix, same case if you download the bouncy chair and baby dangler separately.

In my case I didn't download the animations fix because I had previously download the modded maxis baby dangler master and the bouncinator 3000 uploaded by RebaLynn1960 that you can find two paragraphs above in here :) So I had no problems.

So I'm just so superly duperly excited about this two new objects that I may make all my sims families have other babies because I just wanna try them out everywhere! Another thing is that I didn't install all my CC content on this new game (UC), I installed some hairs, clothes and mods but not really objects like chairs, tables and stuff. I've also found this great blog where you can download objects, hairs, mods, etc for the Sims 1, 2 and 3! If you wanna check it out: http://www.theninthwavesims.com/search/label/The%20Sims%202

I've had downloaded a lot of stuff from the site above like a day ago, before I had find out about UC and installed it. It has also some great TS3 to TS2 conversions, you may want to check it out!

Well I don't think I have anything else to add, so
Happy Simming! :)


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