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Landgraab IV, Dreamer & Pleasant Diaries + Baby Default Clothes

Hello dear simmers! Here I am again, ready to leave you an update on my sims 2 families!

So let's start with the Landgraab household. The Landgraabs are really wealthy men (I've read), fonders of many businesses and buildings. Well, the story starts with Malcolm, that fortunently (or not) ends up at Dina's door, falling in love with her although she has built already family with two other old deceased men. She doesn't seem to be much appreciated around Pleasantville because of her clench for money, but Malcolm ignores Pleasantvillers as he considers them jelous of the richest people. They speed up their engaggement and hurry up to marriage.

Dina and Malcolm getting engagged after a hot night together (she actually got pregnant here, but I only found out on their honeymoon night, because I was playing without sound).

Dina and Malcolm Landgraab's (red) wedding. (Dina got the "married a rich sim" memory again and Cassandra didn't seem to like the idea :\ Also I thought Malcolm would have the same memory because Dina came from the Goth family, but in the end the only money she bought was a simoleon, a single one o.o)

Dina feeding Malcolm a piece of their wedding cake.

Time for nupcial whoohoo :)

Now let's move on to the Dreamer family, as I mentioned before Cassandra marries Darren pregnant of her first child. Darren thanked the havens for this opportunity. Finally Cassandra was to be his, and he will make everything possible, move skys if he has to, to keep her happy and loved. Dirk was also happy, he always liked Cassandra, although he missed his mother, he thought that his dad deserved to be happy again.

Cassandra caressing her baby bump <3

Darren and Cassandra's wedding (Darren got the "married a rich sim" memory :\)

A kiss to seal the vows! <3

Dirk congratulating his new mom :) (he also rubbed her belly automatically, but I didn't catch it on time :\)

 Trying the wedding cake.

Some months later Mona Goth, daughter of Dina Landgraab IV and Mortimor Goth and half sister of Cassandra and Alexander Goth, grew up to a teen. Cassandra reached the third trymester of pregnancy always with Darren by her side and conforting her, when she would feel afraid (it wasn't the first time he went through it :) He had already had Dirk!). Darren also found a job (Also Mona :D) on the medicine career to help out with the income now that a new baby was on the way.

 Mona and Lisa Goth playing video games together.

Darren conforting Cassandra, and showing some love:

Two months passed, and finally arrived the moment for the birth of Cassandra and Darren's first child. They were thrilled to know the baby, and Cassandra still a little bit frightned but was ready for it.

 Cassandra some hours before going into labor.

Cassandra gave birth some hours later to a baby boy which her and Darren named Mark. Both parents and all their family were delighted!
 Life went on, on the Dreamer household, soon was time for Lisa Goth to grow to a teen and search a job to help out at home and Mark to grow to a toddler. Her sister Mona, fell in love with one of Dirk's colleges at school, and later on things went serious between the two. Mona gifted Grant, her first kiss and first whoohoo, while Dirk took off to college with his friends Dustin Broke, Angela Pleasant, Caryl Taylor and his girlfrienth Lillith Pleasant.

 Lisa Goth's birthday.

 Mona and Grant's first kiss.

 Teenager problems :\

 Mark's first birthday!

Now let's move on to the Pleasant family. They are known to be the happiest family around Pleasantville, Daniel and Mary-Sue have two beautiful teenage girls, Angela and Lillith, and great jobs. Day by day, they struggle with their relationship, but try to keep a healthy enviroment around home and slowly things are getting better. Lillith and Angela are slowly getting along, even Lillith's school grades are rising up. Daniel and Mary Sue's relationship is equilibrated, they even did whoohoo after a long time of abcense of one another.

One day, Mary-Sue goes to work, but things don't go that well, and she ends up getting fired and arriving home to a cheating husband that couldn't resist to their maid. Hearbroken, she catches the maid out and divorciates Daniel, although she still loves him. Her adoptive parents, Coral and Herb Older, (I found out from her memories, I didn't even knew she was adopted) knowing about the news, moved in to help her out with the girls, while Mary-Sue searched for a new job.

 Mary-Sue firing the maid Daniel cheated on her with.

Some months later, Mary-Sue finds out she is pregnant of quadruplets, and her world comes crushing down. She decides to meet Daniel to tell him the news, and together they decide that Daniel should move in to help out with all the babies until she doesn't need his help anymore.

Lillith and Angela went to college with their respective boyfriends, Dirk and Dustin, and later on Mary-Sue gave birth to four beautiful baby boys named Daniel, Gabriel, Michael and Rafael, which made both their adoptive grandparents turn platinium for the rest of their lives. She found also a job in the business career and with the help of her adoptive parents and her boyfriend Daniel (yes, they went back together, because with the birth of the babies, Daniel changed... Well, his aspiration did! So they fell in love all over again! <3) they took care of the babies that soon grew to toddlers.

Enough for today :) As you can see, the babies have clothes on this last pictures, yay! I decided to search for baby clothes as I saw around the net some babies have it, so I went to moonlightdragon.freeforums.org because I remembered that I had seen them there before, and I tried to install Chris' Hack Mod to buy baby clothes, having like this a lot of cloth options at the same time, but actually it didn't work for me, as my sims would often get error and they couldn't even go to school or work. So I unistalled the mod, and installed some cute default clothes (I also found out how they work, yay!). 

Go here for default baby clothes for your game: http://moonlightdragon.freeforums.org/default-outfits-f128.html and here for non default clothes that use Chris Hack Mod (download mod here: http://moonlightdragon.freeforums.org/chris-hatch-s-mod-t1306.html): http://moonlightdragon.freeforums.org/non-default-outfits-f129.html.  


Basically (for default baby clothes) there is a unisex outfit, and another for girls only (Gonly it says on it's name while the unisex is named normally). You can only have one of each, if you install more than one your game may get confuse (read the info about it on http://moonlightdragon.freeforums.org/important-read-before-downloading-complete-user-manual-t56.html if you wanna know better how it works). You put them on the downloads folder and voila! You are done! If you wish to change the outfits, you must quit the game, replace the files with the ones you wanna, and start again your game :)

Happy Simming! :D


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