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The Birth Plan Challenge by Ana Silva

Created by Ana Silva

The Birth Plan Challenge, is a challenge about baby making throughout ten generations. It includes a pre made plan about the total number and the combo of babies (single, twins, triplets, quadruplets) you must have in each generation. For this challenge it's indispensable the use of the mod "Triplets and Quads Mod" from TwoJeffs on www.simbology.com (find is here: http://www.simbology.com/smf/index.php?topic=18.0), luckly it doesn't require any expansion pack!! You may find useful also to use insimenator (to end pregnancies, control them or generate them, etc, find it here: http://www.insimenator.org/index.php/topic,100226.0.html) and the inteeminator (find it here: http://www.simbology.com/mods/index.php?dir=inteen/inteenimater/&sort=date&order=desc) great for teen pregnancies, birth control, etc.

The Birh Plan:

1st Generation: Total Number of Children (T) - 1, Combination (C) - Single
2nd Generation: T - 2, C - Twins
3rd Generation: T - 3, C - Triplets
4th Generation: T - 4, C - Quadruplets
5th Generation: T - 5, C - Triplets and Twins
6th Generation: T - 6, C - Twins and Quadruplets or Twins,Triplets and Single
7th Generation: T - 7, C - Single, Quadruplets and Twins
8th Generation: T - 8, C - Twins, Quadruplets and Twins
9th Generation: T - 9, C - Triplets, Quadruplets and Twins
10th Generation: T - 10, C - Quadruplets, Triplets, Twins and Single

Generation goals:
In each generation there is a specific combo (triplets, twins, single, quads) and number of children you must have and these are the goals. (Example: the goal of the first generation is having a single child, while the second generation's goal is have two chidren by having twins). If you don't complete a generation goal, the challenge ends.

You can do an exception to the paragraph above by allowing the generation goals to be completed even surpassing the number of children, but the combos must be done (Example, my sim is on the 4th generation, she had two single children and then quadruplets, the generation goal is complete). If so some suggestion tips for rules, that are under, should be ignored.

Suggestion tips for rules: Here are some suggestion tips for rules, choose the ones you prefer, remember you don't have to respect them all because like I say they are only suggestions. You can even play this challenge whithout any, if you would like a more free experience! :)

° The founder of the challenge can be a young adult or an adult.
° Your founder and heirs of each generation may have kids while being teens, young adults and elders (adopting).
° Children can attend college or not. The next generation goal starts when the heir turns adult and returns to the lot, if he/she isn't already there.
° There is no restriction on the baby gender, meaning it doesn't matter if you have a boy or a girl.
° The number of babies is the same as the generation number (example, if you are on the 5th generation, the total of babies you must have are 5).
° You are allowed to use some cheats, yet some are strictly forbiden (like motherlode and kaching, while maxmotives can be used in extreme cases such as to save a pregnancy or a parent sims' life).
° You cannot kill (intentionally) your sim's children.
° You are allowed to use the aspiration reward and the career reward objects, if they are obtained without cheats/hacks/mods.
° You are allowed to use aging off until you give birth to your first child (for homosexual, bisexual, straight woman sims (who are pregnant of her partner's first child) and pregnant sim men which can be homosexual (pregnant of their partner's first child), straight (alien pregnantion) or bisexual (pregnant of their partner's first child)/until your first son is born or is moved in into the household (for homosexual (who's partner is pregnant with his first child), bisexual (who's partner is pregnant with his first child) or straight men (who's partner is pregnant with his first child) and homosexual/bisexual women in which their partner carries their first child). After that you must turn aging on. Example: I start playing with my sim, and until he/she gives birth to his/her first child or has her/his first child, I keep aging off. Meaning my sim(s) will only age when the first child is born.
° You are allowed to use aging off during pregnancies (a total of 3 days), after birth aging must be turned on.
° Sims are allowed to marry but no more than 5000$ can be brought to the household on the first marriage.
° Sims are only allowed to marry maximum 3 times .
° On a sims' second marriage the spouse is allowed to bring 2500$ and on their third only 1250$.
° When you move in a sim he brings to the household a total of 1000$, if that sim moves out and then back in, no money is added to the household. You can move in into the household only one sim at the time.
° If in a sims' marriage more money than allowed is brought to the househould, the player must use the cheat (familyfunds *family name here* *the number of the fair family amount of money*) to adjust the family funds to their rightful amount.
° The babies may be adopted or be natural children of the parent sim/couple.
° The sim parent may stay single (not married, being going steady and engagged counts as being single as well) and move in their partner and have children or vice versa.
° The sim parent is allowed to have children before and after marriage/divorce.
° The sim parent is allowed to go steady or get engagged or marry someone that may or may not be his/her (future) childrens' parent.
° The babies may have different parents (If you play with a sim woman, your babies can have different fathers, if you play with a sim man, your babies may have different mothers (or another father if it is an alien pregnation) but the babies have to be moved in (if not already on the lot) with cheats/mods/hacks to the father's household).
° If the sim moves in his/her partner in, he/she can marry him/her after or choose not to.
° Only two adult sims can be at the lot at the same time and the founder of each generation must stay on the family lot till the founder of the next generation takes his place.
° You can move out a sim (that is not the founder of the generation) out anytime you want.
° The primogenit is the heir of the next generation, if you have quadruplets, triplets or twins, the primogenit is the first one on the parent sim(s) memories.
° If the primogenit is taken away by the social services, the challenge finishes here.
° If (a) child(ren) dies naturally (drowning, etc), you can still go on and complete the generation goal (if it isn't already fullfilled) as long as it isn't the primogenit. You receive 2000 for your loss.
° If the primogenit dies (if you are on the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th generations) you receive 10000 for your loss.
° If the primogenit dies into the household, you must restart the generation goal if you on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th generations (Example, I'm on the second generation, I had twins but my primogenit dies, I must have other twins to complete the generation goal), and you not allowed to revive him/her.
° If the primogenit dies on the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th generations into the household you must have another child to compensate (if you don't revive him/her), even if you don't respect the combination, and the new heir will be the next child (check parent sim(s) memories).
° If you revive the primogenit, with the supernatural field career reward obtained fairly (6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th generations), and he dies again you cannot revive him again and you must extract 20000 from your founds.
° You can revive a child if you own the career reward of the supernatural field obtained fairly (EP: University) but you can do it only one time, if the child dies again in the future you must extract 5000 from your founds.
° If the primogenit dies again, the challenge ends.
° If a child(ren) is taken away by the social services, you must extract 5000 for each children to your founds and you can go on with the generation goal as long as you still own the primogenit.
° When the children move out from the lot and they die, the generation goal is saved but the primogenit must be alive. If the primogenit dies outside the main household, the challenge is over.
° If the spouse dies, you can choose to marry again or not. Remember a sim can marry only 3 times. After that you may move in your love one but you cannot marry him/her.
° If the heir/founder of the generation dies before his/her primogenit takes his place on the lot as an heir of the next generation, the challenge is over.
° Since this is a birth plan, you cannot have other children besides the ones stablished. If the total says * your sims must have only * and not ** as you would like. So be careful when your sims whoohoo, to not have to end pregnancies. (Note: In some cases this rule may not be applied, like for example when the primogenit dies, and you must or either have another child or restart the generation goal depending on the generation you are currently in, resulting into a higher number of children).
° You may contract someone to help you out with your children, house, etc (maid, buttler, repairman, etc). 

Personal tip: The most important people in this challenge are the founder and the primogenits of each generations so be sure to always keep them well, as a death could shake up things too much. They are the most precious people around. Love ones are also important, but there is plenty of fishes in the sea for your sim, in case something goes wrong :)

Another thing you must pay atention to as well, is the money of your family, as it can come in handy on the future generations (for babysitters, butlers, maids, etc) due to a higher number of responsabilities (babies!!). So make sure you always stay on the same household (for the money, although you can start each generation with the base amount of money in a different lot, if you would like it, but as you can imagine that's more difficult), to keep the family's money in the family (when your heir goes to college, make sure to move him with his parent(s) and then you can move them out (the parent sims) to start the next generation goal. So my personal tip is: take advantage of the use of aging off until the first child is born, to advance as much as possible your sim in his career, this will also allow you to gain aspiration points unlocking some useful aspiration rewards objects you can use to help you out daily.

NOTE: If you would like a more free kind of challenge, forget the suggestion rules above and do as you like. Here it is a more freestyled birth plan, if you would like to do other combinations (the total of children is the same), instead of just the ones above:

1st Generation: Total Number of Children (T) - 1, Combination (C) - Single.
2nd Generation: T - 2, C - Twins or Single (x2).
3rd Generation: T - 3, C - Triplets or Single (x3) or Twins & Single.
4th Generation: T - 4, C - Quadruplets or Single (x4) or Twins (x2) or Twins & Single (x2) or Triplets & Single.
5th Generation: T - 5, C - Triplets & Twins or Quadruplets & Single or Triplets & Single (x2) or Single (x5) or Twins & Single (x3) or Twins (x2) & Single.
6th Generation: T - 6, C - Twins & Quadruplets or Twins,Triplets & Single or Single (x6) or Twins & Single (x4) or Twins (x2) & Single (x2) or Twins (x3) or Triplets & Single (x3) or Triplets (x2) or Quadruplets & Single (x2).
7th Generation: T - 7, C - Single, Quadruplets & Twins or Single (x7) or Twins & Single (x5) or Twins (x2) & Single (x3) or Twins (x3) & Single or Triplets & Single (x4) or Triplets, Twins & Single (x2) or Triplets & Twins (x2) or Triplets (x2) & Single or Quadruplets & Single (x3) or Quadruplets & Triplets.
8th Generation: T - 8, C - Twins, Quadruplets & Twins or Single (x8) or Twins & Single (x6) or Twins (x2) & Single (x4) or Twins (x3) & Single (x2) or Twins (x4) or Triplets & Single (x5) or Triplets (x2) & Single (x2) or Triplets (x2) & Twins or Triplets, Twins & Single (x3) or Triplets, Twins (x2) & Single or Quadruplets & Single (x4) or Quadruplets & Twins (x2) or Quadruplets, Twins & Single (x2) or Quadruplets, Triplets & Single or Quadruplets (x2).
9th Generation: T - 9, C - Triplets, Quadruplets & Twins or Single (x9) or Twins & Single (x7) or Twins (x2) & Single (x5) or Twins (x3) & Single (x3) or Twins (x4) & Single or Triplets & Single (x6) or Triplets (x2) & Single (x3) or Triplets (x3) or Triplets (x2), Twins & Single (x2) or Triplets, Twins (x2) & Single (x2) or Triplets, Twins & Single (x4) or Quadruplets & Single (x4) or Quadruplets (x2) & Single or Quadruplets, Twins & Single (x3) or Quadruplets, Twins (x2) & Single or Quadruplets, Triplets & Single (x2).
10th Generation: T - 10, C - Quadruplets, Triplets, Twins & Single or Single (x10) or Twins & Single (x8) or Twins (x2) & Single (x6) or Twins (x3) & Single (x4) or Twins (x4) & Single (x2) or Twins (x5) or Triplets & Single (x7) or Triplets, Twins & Single (x5) or Triplets, Twins (x2) & Single (x3) or Triplets, Twins (x3) & Single or Triplets (x2) & Twins (x2) or Triples (x2), Twins & Single (x2) or Triplets (x2) & Single (x4) or Triplets (x3) & Single or Quadruplets & Single (x6) or Quadruplets (x2) & Single (x2) or Quadruplets & Twins (x3) or Quadruplets, Twins (x2) & Single (x2) or Quadruplets, Twins & Single (x4) or Quadruplets (x2) & Twins or Quadruplets, Triplets & Single (x3) or Quadruplets & Triplets (x2).

Happy Simming! ;)


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