Created by Ana Silva The Birth Plan Challenge, is a challenge about baby making throughout ten generations . It includes a pre made plan about the total number and the combo of babies (single, twins, triplets, quadruplets) you must have in each generation. For this challenge it's indispensable the use of the mod "Triplets and Quads Mod" from TwoJeffs on (find is here: ), luckly it doesn't require any expansion pack!! You may find useful also to use insimenator (to end pregnancies, control them or generate them, etc, find it here:,100226.0.html ) and the inteeminator (find it here: ) great for teen pregnancies, birth control, etc. The Birh Plan: 1st Generation: Total Number of Children (T) - 1, Combination (C) - Single 2nd Generation: T - 2, C - Tw...
The girls were finally toddlers and that meant even more responsability to the new parents. Now it wasn't only about changing diapers and feeding them, was also about educating them and providing them with a good enviroment. Mission knew about this so she would make sure to remind Ethan of this everyday. Sadly she couldn't spend much time with the girls as her job was getting more and more serious, so Ethan would often be the one incharge of teaching the girls and looking after them. They were growing so fast and so beautifully! Ethan loved his daughters really much, but he was getting tired of being always the one in charge of everything. One night while passing on Mission's ex drive through, he found Camilla Lee, Mission's ex co-worker. Ethan and Camilla started talking about what was going on on their lives and Camilla was really interested in getting to know Ethan and Mission's children. "I didn't even know you two had ...