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The Birth Plan Challenge by Ana Silva

Created by Ana Silva The Birth Plan Challenge, is a challenge about baby making throughout ten generations . It includes a pre made plan about the total number and the combo of babies (single, twins, triplets, quadruplets) you must have in each generation. For this challenge it's indispensable the use of the mod "Triplets and Quads Mod" from TwoJeffs on www.simbology.com (find is here: http://www.simbology.com/smf/index.php?topic=18.0 ), luckly it doesn't require any expansion pack!! You may find useful also to use insimenator (to end pregnancies, control them or generate them, etc, find it here: http://www.insimenator.org/index.php/topic,100226.0.html ) and the inteeminator (find it here: http://www.simbology.com/mods/index.php?dir=inteen/inteenimater/&sort=date&order=desc ) great for teen pregnancies, birth control, etc. The Birh Plan: 1st Generation: Total Number of Children (T) - 1, Combination (C) - Single 2nd Generation: T - 2, C - Tw...
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