One month had passed since their birth, and the girls were finaly able to go home for the first time. After work Mission met up with Ethan on the hospital, and together after arriving home they settled the girls on their bedroom and respective cribs. They had fallen asleep imediately after being laid carefully and tucked in by their parents, so Mission and Ethan both went to their bedroom which they had beeing sharing only for some months, because they would constantly travel around before finding out Mission was pregnant. They said good night to each other, Mission smiling at her own happiness. She had two beautiful girls, again a caring husband and a good job she was slowly stepping up on, what else could she ask for?
Hi simmers! I'm sorry for taking so long to update, but I had a lot of stuff that holded me back a lot! First of all I must say that I'm super duper utterly excited with THE SIMS 2 ULTIMATE EDITION that EA released some time ago to everyone for free (you only had to install Origin), unfortunently the time to aquire it finished last thursday :( I also found out you shouldn't install lots of sims with the UC as it makes your game crazy and the only solution is unistall and install again, but I don't know if it's true as it is something I read on a Sims 2 group on fb. Boh. I've been playing a bit, to be honest I just feel too much overwelmed, everyday I find something new (like penguins of seasons :) I'm sorry I just love this guys on real life and having them on my game is magnificent!), so I often find myself searching on internet if I have some doubt. For example the "study parenting" subject you get from seasons I think, I didn't know it...
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